Gaming & Gambling Services

Safer Gambling and Player Protection

Industry Training on Meeting Legal and Ethical Requirements

This two day training is aimed at Senior Leaders and Managers across key departments in Gaming and Gambling Companies with responsibilities for ensuring that compliance requirements are understood and actioned. It is also aimed at the Player Protection team in line with their responsibilities to look after customers through safer gambling strategies and player protection initiatives. This training can be used as part of an annual mandatory review and as proof of meeting regulatory requirements globally.


With the growth of online gaming and gambling in the last few years, it is important to ensure that companies working in this industry are clear about the responsibilities both internally and externally. Senior Leaders need to be satisfied that the organisation is fully compliant in a range of areas, both legal and ethical, across all of the games which are offered to customers. As part of the gaming and gambling industry, companies are expected to set examples of best practice, including player education, responsible advertising and effective player protection tools and exclusion programmes.


The programme includes legal and regulatory requirements including affordability checks, risk management, AML, cyber crime, with identified roles and responsibilities. It also explores the ethics of gaming and gambling including onboarding protocols, player protection, identifying problem gamblers, markers of harm, customer interactions and innovation in safer gambling. The training is interactive and all training material is available to delegates digitally before and after the training for one year through the Digital Chalk platform Day One • How to Prioritise Safer Gambling • The Psychology of the Player • Player Protection - How To Recognise Markers of Harm • Embracing a Culture of Change – Safer Gambling Measures • Problem Gamblers & Pathways To Help Day Two • Compliance – Taking a Risk-Based Approach • Record Keeping, Training & Monitoring • Balancing Compliance, Ethics and Commercial Drivers • Key Roles and Responsibilities • Third Party Risks "Excellently presented and produced, it has given a deeper sense of responsibility to ensure we carry out our duties to the fullest to protect everyone against the negative consequences of gambling and ensuring it remains a pleasant experience for all."

Two Days
Webinar (via Zoom)